
Send Slack Image#

The Send Slack Image node allows you to send one or more images to a Slack channel within a Magick flow. This node is useful when you want to share visual content, such as charts, graphs, photos, or screenshots, with your Slack team as part of an automated workflow.


  • flow (required): The incoming flow from the previous node.
  • images (required): An array of image URLs or base64-encoded image data to send to Slack.
  • comment (optional): A text comment to include with the images. Default is an empty string.


  • flow: The outgoing flow to the next node, if any.


This node does not have any additional configuration options.


  1. Add the Send Slack Image node to your spell.
  2. Connect the flow input to the output of the previous node.
  3. Provide an array of image URLs or base64-encoded image data to the images input. You can use the Array node to construct this input.
  4. (Optional) Provide a text comment to include with the images using the comment input.
  5. Connect the flow output to the next node in your spell, if desired.


Here's an example of how to use the Send Slack Image node in a spell:

  1. Use an HTTP Request node to fetch data from an API.
  2. Process the API response using a Transform JSON node to extract relevant image URLs.
  3. Connect the extracted image URLs to the images input of the Send Slack Image node.
  4. Set the comment input to "Check out these latest charts!".
  5. The Send Slack Image node will send the specified images to your configured Slack channel, along with the comment.

Best Practices#

  • Ensure that the image URLs are publicly accessible or that the base64-encoded image data is valid.
  • Be mindful of the size and number of images you send to avoid cluttering the Slack channel.
  • Provide a meaningful comment to give context to the images you're sharing.

Common Issues#

  • If the images fail to send, double-check that the image URLs are correct and accessible, or that the base64-encoded image data is properly formatted.
  • Make sure you have correctly configured your Slack integration in the Magick platform settings.