

The Validate node checks if the input data conforms to a specified JSON schema. It is useful for ensuring data integrity, validating user input, or enforcing a specific structure on data flowing through your spell.


  1. schema (object, default: {}): The JSON schema to validate the data against. It should follow the JSON Schema specification.
  2. data (object, default: {}): The data object to be validated against the provided schema.


  1. result (boolean): Indicates whether the validation was successful. Returns true if the data is valid according to the schema, and false otherwise.
  2. errors (array): If the validation fails, this output provides an array of validation error messages describing the specific issues encountered.


This node does not have any additional configuration options.


  1. Connect a JSON schema object to the schema input. This schema should define the expected structure and constraints of the data you want to validate.
  2. Connect the data object you want to validate to the data input.
  3. The result output will indicate whether the validation was successful or not.
  4. If the validation fails, the errors output will provide an array of error messages detailing the validation issues.


Suppose you have a spell that processes user registration data. You want to ensure that the user input follows a specific structure before proceeding with the registration. Here's how you can use the Validate node:

  1. Define a JSON schema for the user registration data:

      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "username": { "type": "string", "minLength": 3, "maxLength": 20 },
        "email": { "type": "string", "format": "email" },
        "age": { "type": "integer", "minimum": 18 }
      "required": ["username", "email", "age"]
  2. Connect this schema to the schema input of the Validate node.

  3. Connect the user registration data (e.g., from a form submission) to the data input of the Validate node.

  4. The result output will be true if the user data is valid according to the schema, and false otherwise.

  5. If the validation fails, the errors output will provide an array of error messages, such as:

      "username must be at least 3 characters long",
      "email must be a valid email address",
      "age must be greater than or equal to 18"
  6. Use a Branch node to handle the validation result. If result is true, proceed with the registration process. If result is false, handle the validation errors (e.g., display error messages to the user).

Best Practices#

  • Ensure that your JSON schema accurately represents the expected structure and constraints of your data.
  • Use descriptive error messages in your schema to help identify and troubleshoot validation issues easily.
  • Handle validation errors gracefully in your spell, providing clear feedback to users when their input is invalid.

Common Issues#

  • Make sure the schema input is a valid JSON schema object. Incorrect schema syntax can lead to unexpected validation results.
  • Be cautious when defining complex schemas with nested objects or arrays. Test your schema thoroughly to ensure it validates data correctly.
  • If the data input is not a valid JSON object, the validation may fail with a parsing error.

By using the Validate node, you can ensure data integrity and maintain a consistent structure throughout your spell, catching any invalid data early in the process.