
Search Knowledge#

The Search Knowledge node allows you to search for relevant information within a knowledge base and retrieve the most pertinent results. It is particularly useful when you need to find specific information or answers based on a given query.


  • flow (required): The input flow containing the data to be processed.
  • query (required): The search query or keywords to look for in the knowledge base.
  • count (optional, default: 3): The maximum number of search results to return.
  • metadata (optional, default: ): Additional metadata or parameters to pass to the search engine.


  • flow: The output flow with the search results appended.
  • knowledge: An array containing the retrieved knowledge items that match the search query.
  • data: An array containing the raw data of the search results.


This node does not have any additional configuration options.


  1. Connect the input flow to the node from which you want to initiate the search.
  2. Set the query input to specify the search keywords or query you want to use.
  3. Optionally, adjust the count input to control the maximum number of search results to retrieve (default is 3).
  4. If needed, provide any additional metadata or parameters required by the search engine.
  5. Connect the flow output to the next node in your spell to continue processing the data.
  6. Use the knowledge output to access the retrieved knowledge items that match the search query.
  7. If you need access to the raw data of the search results, use the data output.


Here's an example of how to use the Search Knowledge node in a spell:

1. Start (Trigger) 
2. Set Variable (query: "Magick best practices")
3. Search Knowledge
   - query: $query
   - count: 5
4. Create Email
   - to: "" 
   - subject: "Search Results"
   - body: $knowledge
5. Send Email

In this example, the spell is triggered and a search query is set using the Set Variable node. The Search Knowledge node then performs a search using the specified query and retrieves the top 5 results. The retrieved knowledge items are used to create an email body, which is then sent using the Send Email node.

Best Practices#

  • Be specific and concise with your search queries to get the most relevant results.
  • Adjust the count input based on your requirements. Retrieving too many results may impact performance.
  • Utilize the metadata input to pass any additional parameters or filters supported by the search engine.
  • Process and format the retrieved knowledge items as needed before using them in subsequent nodes.

Common Issues#

  • If the search query is too broad or ambiguous, the retrieved results may not be relevant to your intended use case.
  • Ensure that the knowledge base being searched contains the information you expect. If the desired information is not available, the search results may be empty or unsatisfactory.

By leveraging the Search Knowledge node, you can easily integrate knowledge search capabilities into your Magick spells, enabling you to find and retrieve relevant information based on specific queries.