

The Includes node checks if one string includes another string and outputs a boolean result.


  1. a (string): The string to search within. This is the string that may contain the substring you are looking for.
  2. b (string): The substring to search for. This is the string that you want to check if it is included in the a input.


  1. result (boolean): Returns true if string a includes string b, otherwise returns false.


This node has no additional configuration options.


To use the Includes node:

  1. Connect a string to the a input. This is the string you want to search within.
  2. Connect a string to the b input. This is the substring you want to check for inclusion in a.
  3. The result output will emit true if b is found within a, otherwise it will emit false.


Let's say you have a spell that processes customer feedback messages. You want to check if each message includes the word "great" and keep a count of the positive messages.

You could use the Includes node like this:

  1. Connect the customer message string to the a input.
  2. Connect a Constant node with the value "great" to the b input.
  3. Connect the result output to a Filter node to only pass through messages where result is true.
  4. Connect the filtered messages to a Count node to keep a running total of positive messages.

In this example, the Includes node allows you to easily check each message for specific positive keywords and filter the messages accordingly for further aggregation.

Best Practices#

  • Make sure the input types match. Both inputs should be strings.
  • The search is case-sensitive. Use a Transform node beforehand to convert the strings to a consistent case if needed.
  • If you need to check for multiple substrings, you can chain multiple Includes nodes together with OR logic for more complex checks.

Common Issues#

  • Passing a non-string value to either input will cause an error. Ensure you are passing strings.
  • An empty string input for b will always return true since technically an empty string is included in every string. Check your logic if you get unexpected true results.