
An agent in Magick is an intelligent entity that can perform tasks, respond to events, and interact with various services and platforms. Agents are designed to automate processes, provide assistance, and make decisions based on predefined rules and algorithms. Agent

Key Characteristics of an Agent#

  • Autonomy: Agents operate independently and can make decisions without constant human intervention.
  • Reactivity: Agents can perceive and respond to changes in their environment or incoming events.
  • Proactivity: Agents can take initiative and perform actions based on their goals and objectives.
  • Adaptability: Agents can learn and adapt their behavior based on past experiences and new information.

Powered by Spells#

Agents in Magick are powered by spells, which are visual workflows that define the logic and behavior of the agent. Spells consist of interconnected nodes that perform specific actions, transformations, or decisions. By designing and connecting nodes in a spell, you can create complex behaviors and functionalities for your agent.