

The Log node is a utility node that allows you to log messages and data to the console during the execution of a spell. It is useful for debugging, monitoring, and understanding the flow of data through your spell.


  • flow (required): The input flow that triggers the Log node.
  • text (optional, default: ""): The message to be logged to the console.
  • severity (optional, default: "info"): The severity level of the log message. Can be one of "info", "warning", or "error".
  • payload (optional, default: ): An object containing additional data to be logged along with the message.


  • flow: The output flow that is triggered after the log message is recorded.


This node has no additional configuration options.


  1. Connect the flow input to the desired point in your spell where you want to log a message.
  2. (Optional) Set the text input to the message you want to log.
  3. (Optional) Choose the appropriate severity level for your log message.
  4. (Optional) Provide an object to the payload input to include additional data in the log.
  5. Connect the flow output to the next node in your spell.

When the spell is executed and the Log node is triggered, it will output the specified message and severity to the console, along with any provided payload data.


Here's an example of how to use the Log node in a spell:

  "nodes": [
      "type": "data/input/string",
      "id": "inputString1",
      "data": "Hello, World!"
      "type": "debug/log/object",
      "id": "log1",
      "inputs": {
        "text": "Input received:",
        "severity": "info",
        "payload": "inputString1.output"
  "edges": [
      "from": "inputString1.output",
      "to": "log1.payload"
      "from": "inputString1.output",
      "to": "log1.flow"

In this example, the Log node is used to log the message "Input received:" along with the data from the inputString1 node. The severity is set to "info". When the spell is run, it will output:

[info] Input received: Hello, World!

Best Practices#

  • Use meaningful log messages that provide context about what is happening in your spell.
  • Choose the appropriate severity level for your logs. Use "info" for general messages, "warning" for potential issues, and "error" for critical problems.
  • Be mindful of logging sensitive or private data. Avoid including passwords, API keys, or personal information in logs.

Common Issues#

  • Forgetting to connect the flow input can result in the Log node not being triggered.
  • Not providing a text input will result in an empty log message.
  • Incorrect severity levels may lead to confusion when reviewing logs.

By using the Log node strategically throughout your spell, you can gain valuable insights into its execution and make debugging and monitoring easier.