
Equal (Object)#

The Equal (Object) node in Magick compares two input objects and outputs a boolean value indicating whether they are equal or not. This node is useful when you need to check if two objects have the same properties and values.


  1. a (object, default: {}): The first object to compare.
  2. b (object, default: {}): The second object to compare.


  1. result (boolean): The result of the equality comparison. Returns true if the input objects are equal, and false otherwise.


This node does not have any configuration options.


To use the Equal (Object) node, follow these steps:

  1. Add the Equal (Object) node to your spell.
  2. Connect the objects you want to compare to the a and b input ports.
  3. The result output port will emit a boolean value indicating whether the input objects are equal or not.


Suppose you have two objects representing user profiles, and you want to check if they are the same. You can use the Equal (Object) node to compare them:

// User Profile 1
  "name": "John Doe",
  "age": 30,
  "email": ""
// User Profile 2
  "name": "John Doe",
  "age": 30,
  "email": ""

Connect these objects to the a and b input ports of the Equal (Object) node. The result output will be true since the two user profiles have the same properties and values.

Best Practices#

  • Ensure that the objects you are comparing have the same structure and data types for their properties. The Equal (Object) node performs a deep equality check, so the objects must be identical for the comparison to return true.
  • If you only need to compare specific properties of the objects, consider using a combination of the Extract Property and Equal (Primitive) nodes instead.

Common Issues#

  • If the objects have different property names or data types, the Equal (Object) node will return false even if the values seem similar.
  • Be cautious when comparing large or complex objects, as the deep equality check can be computationally expensive.

By using the Equal (Object) node, you can easily compare two objects in your Magick spells and make decisions based on their equality.