

The Concat node is used to concatenate two strings together into a single output string. It's a simple but versatile utility node that can be used whenever you need to join pieces of text together.


  1. a (string, default: ""): The first string to concatenate.
  2. b (string, default: ""): The second string to concatenate.


  1. result (string): The concatenated output string.


This node has no additional configuration options.


To use the Concat node:

  1. Add a Concat node to your spell.
  2. Connect the output of a node providing the first string to the a input.
  3. Connect the output of a node providing the second string to the b input.
  4. The concatenated string will be available at the result output.


Let's say you have a spell that generates a personalized greeting message. You have the user's first name and last name as separate strings, and you want to combine them into a full name.

  1. Add a Concat node to your spell.
  2. Connect the first name string to the a input.
  3. Add a String node with a space character (" ") as its value and connect it between the first and last name.
  4. Connect the last name string to the b input.
  5. The result output will now contain the full name, e.g. "John Doe".

You can then connect this full name to another Concat node along with a greeting like "Hello " to create the final personalized greeting: "Hello John Doe".


  • If you need to concatenate more than two strings, you can chain multiple Concat nodes together, with the result of one feeding into the a input of the next.
  • Remember that either input can be an empty string. This can be useful for conditionally including or excluding parts of the concatenated string.


Be careful not to accidentally connect a non-string value to the a or b input. The Concat node expects string inputs and may produce unexpected results or errors with other data types.