
Path (Integer)#

The Path (Integer) node in Magick allows you to extract an integer value from a nested object using a dot-notated path string. This is useful when you need to retrieve a specific numeric property from a complex data structure.


  1. pathToSearch (string, required): The dot-notated path string specifying the location of the integer value to extract from the input object. For example, "person.age" would retrieve the age property from the person object.

  2. obj (object, required): The input object from which to extract the integer value.


  1. result (integer): The extracted integer value from the specified path in the input object. If the path is not found or the value is not an integer, the output will be undefined.


This node has no additional configuration options.


  1. Connect an object to the obj input of the Path (Integer) node. This is the object from which you want to extract an integer value.

  2. Set the pathToSearch input to a dot-notated string representing the path to the desired integer value within the input object.

  3. The extracted integer value will be available at the result output. You can then connect this output to other nodes in your spell as needed.


Suppose you have an object representing a person with the following structure:

  "name": "John Doe",
  "age": 30,
  "address": {
    "street": "123 Main St",
    "city": "Anytown",
    "zip": 12345

To extract the age value from this object, you would:

  1. Connect the person object to the obj input of the Path (Integer) node.
  2. Set the pathToSearch input to "age".
  3. The result output will contain the integer value 30.

To extract the zip value from the nested address object, you would:

  1. Connect the person object to the obj input of the Path (Integer) node.
  2. Set the pathToSearch input to "".
  3. The result output will contain the integer value 12345.

Best Practices#

  • Make sure the pathToSearch string correctly matches the structure of your input object. Double-check the property names and nesting.
  • If the specified path doesn't exist in the input object, the result output will be undefined. Handle this case appropriately in your spell's logic.

Common Issues#

  • If the value at the specified path is not an integer, the result output will be undefined. Ensure that the path points to an integer value.
  • Be careful with the casing and spelling of property names in the pathToSearch string. JavaScript is case-sensitive, so "age" and "Age" are considered different properties.