
Query Knowledge#

The Query Knowledge node allows you to retrieve information from a knowledge base within a Magick flow. It provides a flexible way to access stored knowledge and integrate it into your spells.


  • flow (required): The input flow containing the data to be processed.
  • query (optional): The query string used to search the knowledge base. If left empty, the node will return all available knowledge.


  • flow: The output flow with the retrieved knowledge added.
  • knowledge: The knowledge retrieved from the knowledge base based on the provided query.


This node does not have any additional configuration options.


  1. Connect the input flow to the flow input port of the Query Knowledge node.
  2. Optionally, provide a query string in the query input field to search for specific knowledge. Leave it empty to retrieve all knowledge.
  3. Connect the flow output port to the next node in your spell to continue processing the flow with the retrieved knowledge.
  4. Use the knowledge output port to access the retrieved knowledge in subsequent nodes or for further processing.


Here's an example of how to use the Query Knowledge node in a Magick spell:

1. Start (Trigger) 
2. Query Knowledge
   - query: "magick best practices"
3. Generate Text 
   - prompt: "Summarize the following knowledge: {{knowledge}}"
4. Send Email
   - to: ""
   - subject: "Magick Best Practices"
   - body: "{{text}}"

In this example, the Query Knowledge node is used to retrieve knowledge related to "magick best practices" from the knowledge base. The retrieved knowledge is then passed to a Generate Text node, which summarizes the knowledge. Finally, the summarized text is sent as an email using the Send Email node.

Best Practices#

  • Be specific with your query to retrieve the most relevant knowledge.
  • If you want to retrieve all available knowledge, leave the query input empty.
  • Use the retrieved knowledge in combination with other nodes to create powerful and dynamic spells.

Common Issues#

  • If the query input is too broad or ambiguous, the node may return a large amount of knowledge, which can impact performance.
  • Ensure that the knowledge base contains relevant and up-to-date information for accurate results.

By leveraging the Query Knowledge node, you can easily access and integrate stored knowledge into your Magick spells, enabling more intelligent and context-aware processing.