
Remove First#

Removes the first item from an array.


  • flow: The flow to execute this node.
  • array: The input array to remove the first item from. Defaults to an empty array.


  • flow: The flow to continue executing.


  • valueType: The type of the array items. Can be one of: string, number, float, boolean, object, array. Leave blank to auto-detect.

Example Usage#

Suppose you have an array of names and you want to remove the first name from the list:

["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David"]

You can use the Remove First node to accomplish this:

  1. Connect the array to the array input of the Remove First node.
  2. Leave the valueType configuration blank to auto-detect the item type as string.
  3. The output will be the array with the first item removed:
["Bob", "Charlie", "David"] 


  • If the input array is empty, the Remove First node will have no effect.
  • The Remove First node modifies the input array in place. If you need to preserve the original array, first make a copy of it using the Duplicate node.

Common Issues#

  • Forgetting to set the valueType configuration can lead to unexpected results if the array items are not of the auto-detected type. Always double check this setting.
  • Connecting a non-array value to the array input will result in an error. Ensure you are passing a valid array.